Дело было в AWgate...
"littleboy": How Do u Fly
Texas Storm.: ever wanted to fly like the birds?.. well click on the graphics sceen 1st... then press the plus key on ya number pad to fly up, then press the minus key to come down... Happy Landing!!
"littleboy": Texas
"littleboy": How do u get Graphics
Texas Storm.: you see the screen your looking at lilboy?
"littleboy": yes
Texas Storm.: ok thats the graphic
Texas Storm.: Just click the scren littleboy then use the plus key on ya number pad to fly yup
"littleboy": Click wat Screen
Texas Storm.: MONitor
Texas Storm.: put ya curser on the sky and click
Texas Storm.: Here is a tutorial movie for newcomers
http://www.activeworlds.com/3dhomepage/tutorial/popup.htm"littleboy": Texas
"littleboy": Can u do this
"littleboy": I need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Texas Storm.: do what lilboy?
Texas Storm.: what ya need now lilboy?
"littleboy": I don't know where Graphics screen is
Texas Storm.: ok click on the sky...
"littleboy": I am
Texas Storm.: ok now on your number pad press the plus key
"littleboy": ok
Texas Storm.: you press the plus key?
Texas Storm.: littleboy?.. are you flying now?
"littleboy": No
"littleboy": I went tehre
"littleboy": ++++
"littleboy": +
Texas Storm.: OK lilboy question... you using a lap top maybe?
"littleboy": Nope
Texas Storm.: or do you know where the number pad is?
"littleboy": yes
"littleboy": +
Texas Storm.: on your right side of teh keyboard right?
"littleboy": yep
Texas Storm.: ok then do you have your number lock on?
"littleboy": no
"littleboy": +
Texas Storm.: ok then do you see the monitor... see the people?
"littleboy": yes
Texas Storm.: ok click on the ground with ya mouse
"littleboy": YAY
Texas Storm.: yayayayayayayayayyaya
"littleboy": look
Texas Storm.: THats great lil boy.. for a minute i thougt we was gonna have to grab ya and throw ya off teh globe. to make ya fly...LOL GK
"littleboy": y r u a girl?
Texas Storm.: Me lilboy?.. YUp.. last time i checked..LOL
Texas Storm. checks again Just to be sure
Texas Storm.: YUP